Hellowave-icon, my name is

Hamza Malkawi

I craft things for the web

I'm a software engineer from Amman, Jordan. I love making stuff that you can find on the internet, like websites and apps. My goal is to always make sure that what I build looks and works great, and it's easy to use.

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Software Engineer

October 2021 - Present

Upgraded Firebase messaging API, resulting in a 10x decrease in notification delivery time (from 73 to 7 seconds), facilitating real-time communication for our features with 33 million monthly push notifications

Reduced 2.3 seconds in page load times by migrating specialties dashboard and question pages from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript. This integration with our BaytUI improved performance significantly and maintainability

Achieved a 40% higher accuracy in the recommended job mailer algorithm, which improved the accuracy of our recommended jobs mailer. This resulted in a 5% increase in click rates and a 2% decrease in unsubscribe rates

Overhauled our email tracking system, ensuring precise data collection for informed decision-making and reduced onboarding time by 40% and increased feature adoption by 20% through Amplitude for user tracking events



July 2021 - October 2021

Worked as part of a team to design and develop a website for a client, using technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

Contributed to the development of a custom database solution to store and retrieve data for the website.

Participated in code reviews and provided constructive feedback to other team members to improve code quality and consistency.


Band Up!: IELTS Prep

Unlock your IELTS potential with "Band Up!: IELTS Prep" the ultimate app for comprehensive exam preparation. Master essential vocabulary with interactive learning and personalize your study with our Saved Words feature. Gain expert insights with curated YouTube guidance, and practice intensively with free, exam-like resources across all four IELTS sections. Understand the scoring system to strategically target your desired band. Start your success story today; your ambition meets our expert guidance here.

Language Lifters

Improve your English spelling with ease using our innovative website! Our text-to-speech technology helps you practice by hearing words and writing them out. Our instant feedback corrects errors, so you can master your spelling in no time. Sign up now to start your journey towards writing excellence!

A showcase portfolio for a UX designer

The goal was to create a visually appealing and functional online space that showcases the designer's work and skills. The website should be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing visitors to easily navigate and view the designer's projects. It's important to keep the website updated with the latest work and make sure that it accurately reflects the designer's style and approach to UX design.

A Smart Optical Store

Welcome to the future of eye-wear shopping! This optical store has taken a leap into the world of technology by incorporating a cutting-edge website that utilizes a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to help our customers find the perfect pair of glasses. Simply upload a photo of yourself, and our website will analyze your face shape, using the CNN model, to filter out the glasses that are most suited to your unique features.

About me

Growing up, I loved playing with gadgets and figuring out how they worked. I was always curious and loved to explore the latest technology. As I got older, I realized that I wanted to make a career out of my passion, so I decided to pursue a degree in Computer Science.

Now, I'm a software developer at Bayt.com . I love my job, and spend my days working on creating innovative software that solves real-world problems. My work is challenging, but I find it rewarding, and I'm grateful to be able to make a difference in people's lives through technology.

Contact Me

If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.